Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a type of rhinoplasty, the surgery cosmetically alters the shape and size of your nose in a way that does not compromise your background/ethnic characteristic.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty is a procedure for patients from different cultural backgrounds (Caucasians are not included). Most Rhinoplasty teachings are based on Caucasian noses, making surgeries on non-Caucasians a surgical challenge. Therefore, it’s vital that you seek an expert cosmetic surgeon that has experience performing the surgery on people of many different cultural backgrounds. The right surgeon will be able to help improve and enhance the shape of your nose whilst taking immense care to retain features of your ethnicity.


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This surgery is right for you if you want to enhance the structure of your nose without losing specific features of your ethnic origin. 

Different Types of Noses

People belonging to different ethnic groups have different nasal characteristics. The nasal features are different both internally and externally.

Researchers have found nose width to be related to temperature and humidity. In warm and humid climates wider noses are common. Whereas, people from cold dry areas generally have narrower noses. This is one of many factors that impact your nose structure.

  • In general, Europeans have wider and longer noses
  • Those of Asian origins tend to have shorter, wider and less protruding noses.
  • Whereas, African Americans often have wide and prominent noses with enlarged nostrils and wide rounded tips.
  • While Hispanics on the other hand generally have a prominent hump over the nasal bridge with a broad nasal tip.

Different Types of Ethnic Rhinoplasty

These varying nose shapes often dictate the goals the patient wants to achieve with their rhinoplasty procedure.

  • Europeans generally want to reduce the length of their noses.
  • Whereas, those with an Asian background tend to prefer to augment their short, wide nasal structures.
  • African-Americans often want the dorsum of their nose elevated along with improvement of nose tip projection.
  • Whilst the goal of ethnic rhinoplasty in the Hispanic population is the correction of their nasal humps and elevation and narrowing of their nose tip.

Who Needs Ethnic Rhinoplasty?

 People may seek ethnic rhinoplasty for a variety of reasons. You may be a good candidate for an ethnic rhinoplasty if you;

  • Want to improve the shape and size of your nose whilst staying true to your heritage and your unique features.
  • Are not happy with the shape and size of your nose.
  • Have an asymmetric or crooked nose.
  • Want a long term solution for cosmetic issues of your nose.
  • Have a problem with the structure of your nose which interferes with your normal breathing.
  • Have realistic expectations regarding the surgery. 

What are the benefits of ethnic rhinoplasty?

  • It can help;
    • Enhance your nose structure while retaining your ethnic features.
    • Correct both nasal asymmetries and deformities.
    • Correct breathing issues.
    • Shape your nose so it’s in proportion to your other facial features.
    • Enhance your self-image and boosts your confidence.

A small tweak to your nose can dramatically change how you look. So if you are looking to correct or enhance the appearance of your nose without altering basic ethnic features of your face, you should consider getting yourself an ethnic rhinoplasty.

Why it is important to choose the right surgeon

An ethnic nose job is similar to a conventional rhinoplasty with a few tweaks. The anaesthesia and incisions made are the same in both procedures. However, it comes down to your surgeon and the specific technique he chooses to incorporate based on the ethnic features of your face.  The basic procedure is similar to a conventional nose job, however, an Ethnic rhinoplasty has a longer surgery time. This is in part due to the need for minute detailing an ethnic rhinoplasty requires.

Choosing the right surgeon is of utmost importance. Only a highly skilled surgeon will know the ethnic and racial intricacies of the face; and is, therefore, able to give you a more natural-looking nose in proportion to other facial features.

Your Ethnic Rhinoplasty Journey

Pre-Operative Counselling

Your ethnic rhinoplasty journey begins pre-operatively. During your consultation with Dr Stephen Kleid, he will examine your nose and enquire about your goals for rhinoplasty. He will also discuss the need for surgery based on an examination of your nose and your medical details. Then, he will finalize the treatment plan based on your needs and explain the procedure and what the process involves. Your surgeon will take pre-operative pictures of your nose, this allows for comparison with post-surgical results.

If you are a smoker you will need to stop at least two weeks before the surgery and withhold from smoking until you have fully recovered. You will also have to stop blood-thinning medicines like Aspirin before the surgery as it may increase the risk of bleeding during the surgery.

The Surgery

You will be under general Anaesthesia for the surgery, this means you will be unconscious during the procedure.

Similar to traditional rhinoplasty, the ethnic nose job can use a closed or open technique. In the closed technique, your surgeon will make an incision inside your nose in the nasal membrane; through this incision, they will assess various parts of your nose. In cases where this is not adequate, the surgeon will then use the open technique. In the open technique, your surgeon makes an incision in the columella. The columella is the strip of tissue just behind the nose tip separating your nostrils. 

Then the surgeon will gently raise the skin that covers the bones and cartilages of the nose. After exposing the bones and cartilage they will be able to define and reshape them according to your needs which may be one of:


This involves adding to the physical size of the nose by grafting cartilage from various parts of your body (your nasal septum or your ribs) to flatter areas of your nose. The addition of extra cartilage gives your nose a more projected and narrower appearance. (Commonly done in African-Americans, Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics)


This involves reducing the size of your nose by removing bones and cartilage from your excessively protruding nose, bringing it more in alignment with other features of your face. Middle Eastern people usually seek reduction surgery of the nose.


It involves neither addition nor reduction of cartilage and bone. Rather subtle changes to the angle and definition of the nose to balance it with the rest of your facial features. It involves rearranging the cartilage of the nose.

After your surgeon makes the necessary changes they will close the incision site with sutures. Sometimes they will use a graft. The surgery usually takes about 2-3 hours but may vary based on the complexity and demands of the surgery.


Recovery following the procedure may take a week or two depending on the extent of your surgery. Both bruising and swelling are common in the immediate post-operative period, but they will gradually subside over time. Your doctor may suggest you wear a nasal splint for a week to aid in holding your nasal structures in the new position. In addition to the splint providing stabilization, it also helps in post-operative recovery.  

You will be able to resume normal work approximately two weeks after surgery. It is important you follow all post-op instructions (including not smoking or consuming alcohol during the recovery period) this is because it interferes with healing. You also need to avoid touching, rubbing and pressing the nose for a few weeks after the surgery. However, applying ice over the nose is acceptable as it helps reduce pain and swelling.

You will receive anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics to both prevent and reduce post-operative symptoms like pain and swelling. Elevating the head in respect to the body during sleep helps reduce swelling.

In addition, you should avoid the following activities during the recovery period:

  • Excessive nose blowing
  • Indulging in strenuous physical activities
  • Wearing eyeglasses. You should ideally switch to contact lenses for a few weeks post-operatively.
  • Brushing teeth vigorously.

Sutures should be removed if non-absorbable suture materials are used, in cases where incisions are made with the open technique. In the closed technique, your surgeon will use absorbable sutures and suture removal is not required in such cases.

Possible Risks and Complications

Though considered a relatively safe procedure, the surgery poses a certain amount of risks. Your surgeon will explain these possible risks to you before the surgery, so you will be able to decide if the procedure is right for you.

General risks and complications associated with the surgery include:

  • Complications related to anaesthesia: Loss of consciousness, development of rashes
  • Excessive bleeding and Swelling
  • Infection 

In addition, specific risks associated with the surgery include:

  • Airway irregularities
  • Uneven asymmetric nose
  • Scarring
  • Perforation of the nasal septum
  • Need for repeat surgery

Choosing an experienced surgeon is critical in minimizing the risks associated with the surgery.

Who is Dr Stephen Kleid?

Dr Stephen Kleid is an Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgeon based in Melbourne with years of training and a wealth of experience in the field. He is a Senior ENT tumour surgeon at Peter MacCallum Cancer Center and has been a surgeon at Royal Melbourne for 20 years, currently, he is the Head of the Department at Royal Melbourne.

Dr Kleid has a strong passion for the field of Aesthetic nose surgeries like Rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty. He is dedicated to customizing patients’ noses depending on their needs and what suits their faces. He approaches each case with up-to-date knowledge for the best results.

Cost of the Surgery

Every patient is different, their needs are different. Ethnic rhinoplasty is a highly individualized procedure, so the cost also varies.

The cost differs depending on the procedure and the extent of surgery. In addition to the cost of surgery additional costs like hospital costs and anaesthetic, costs are added to the total cost. You will be given a quote for the total cost of the surgery after your initial consultation with Dr Stephen Kleid.

You should always seek an experienced and trained surgeon with high credentials for Ethnic Rhinoplasty and these should always outweigh the price tag. Going for cheap surgeries at a discounted price may lead to complications and disappointing results which eventually lead to more costs down the line.

Health insurance can cover some of the costs involved if you are undergoing the surgery for functional reasons of the nose. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do different ethnicities have different noses?

People belonging to different ethnic groups have different nasal characteristics. The nasal features differ internally and externally.

Europeans have wider and longer noses whereas Asians have shorter, wider and less protruding noses. African Americans have wide and prominent noses with enlarged nostrils and wide rounded tips. Hispanics on the other hand have a prominent hump over the nasal bridge with a broad nasal tip.

How is ethnic rhinoplasty different from conventional rhinoplasty?

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a type of rhinoplasty in which your nose is altered cosmetically in such a way that it does not interfere with the rest of the features of your face and preserves its distinct ethnic look. 

It is a type of rhinoplasty performed on non-Caucasians. Most of the teachings on Rhinoplasty are based on Caucasian noses; Ethnic rhinoplasty is a highly specialized form of rhinoplasty for people who do not want a Caucasian nose. 

What ethnicity has the biggest nose?

African- Americans have the biggest and widest nose. Their nose tip is round and wide whereas Europeans usually have a longer nose.

What is the best age for ethnic rhinoplasty?

Dr Stephen Kleid recommends getting an ethnic nose job only after your nose has fully developed. In males, this age is 18 whereas in a female it is 16. 


Why Choose Dr Kleid ?

Dr Stephen Kleid,
Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

Dr Stephen Kleid is an experienced ENT Surgeon (Otolaryngologist) based in Melbourne with a passion for Septo-rhinoplasty, Septoplasty and a strong interest in Rhinoplasty Revision.

Dr Kleid’s Procedures

How can we help?

Dr Kleid’s Team takes pleasure in assisting you with any questions when considering a plastic surgery procedure. Please call the Hawthorn East clinic in Melbourne between 8 am – 6 pm on Weekdays.

Phone, Or Email us.

What Next?

Want more information about your Procedure?

  • For more information about pricing and payment methods, please visit our page on Surgery Payment Options.
  • Talk to our Patient Care Team from 8 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday on 
    (03) 8849 1400

What to Bring to Your Consultation

  • We encourage you to bring a friend or family member to accompany you, as they can provide an extra perspective and support throughout the process.
  • It is important to take thorough notes and carefully review all the documents provided to you.

How to Book a Consultation

  • Dr Kleid’s Consultation fee is $600 which includes a nasendoscopy ($300).
  • A referral from your GP or Specialist is necessary to see Dr Kleid for a consultation. (As of July 1st 2023)
  • Please contact the Patient Care Team at Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery today to book your consultation.


The information presented in this article is provided solely for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your physician or qualified healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or concerns you may have. Do not disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice based on the information provided in this article. The author and publisher of this article do not warrant the accuracy, applicability, or completeness of the content, and any reliance on the information presented is at your own discretion and risk.

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